Type T is for deployments or TDYs, Type R is if your dependents are living at a separate location long term, and Type S does not apply. The Air Force recognizes that the management of Unaccompanied Housing (UH) facilities is critical to an Airman's development process. In an effort to help these families, the Air Force Aid Society, in cooperation with the Air Force Child Care Community, has agreed to provide funding for child care under the Give Parents a Break Program. Although moving is sometimes stressful, it can also be an exciting opportunity to live off base and experience a new location. The complete guide to Luke Air Force Base - We Are The Mighty The average monthly rental cost ranges from $770 to $1,100 for two and three bedrooms and four bedrooms $1,170 and up. Luke AFB - DOD Lodging Holidays - closed, Tues - Sat 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. For other than authorized activities such as military exchanges and Morale, Welfare and Recreation (MWR) sites, the United States Air Force does not exercise any editorial control over the information you may find at these locations. The MPF (Military Personnel Flight) is the focal point for Air Force personnel matters! For more information regarding services offered by the Luke Air Force Base Education Center, call 623-856-7722 or DSN 896-7722. The Education Center offers Education Counseling and Outreach Services. 297 people like this 315 people follow this https://www.lukeevents.com/education 56fss.fsde.ed@us.af.mil Closed now 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Education Members can call DSN: 856-7028 or Comm: 623-856-7028 to schedule appointments orsubmit a request via our customer service portal. Reintegration Briefings: Mondays through Friday at 9 AM. At Luke AFB, AZ, military family housing is privatized. This is not an official military website. The Luke Air Force Base Public Affairs Office has now issued the following statement regarding the crash earlier today: At approximately 11:11 a.m. today, during a routine training mission, a . Sat and Sun - closed Your sponsor will be another military member assigned to your unit and will assist with your move. Hours: Monday through Friday 0900-1200 & 1300-1500 Closed on the last Thursday of every month, Holidays, and Family Days You can check the current wait times and sign in prior to your arrival here E3 and below, and anyone requesting more than 1 month base pay WILL require their Commanders approval in Part V. Please fill out the form and attach with a copy of your PCS orders along with any amendments if applicable 10 days prior to final out. The host unit on base is the 56th Fighter Wing. You pay your monthly rent by authorizing an allotment of your BAH that is paid directly to the Property Manager. d court order c. d legal separation agreement, or d. d written agreement with child's custodian 2c. The Military Housing Office (MHO) is ready to support you in the transition to your new home and community. Luke AFB - Bldg 1113, Luke AFB, AZ 85307 Airman & Family Readiness Center Phone 623-856-6550 A&FRC Website Mon 0730 - 1630 Tue 0730 - 1630 Wed 0730 - 1630 Thu 0730 - 1630 Fri 0730 - 1630 Sat Closed Sun Closed Hours Info Closed every third Thursday Report a Correction Get Directions If you arrive on a business day during normal duty hours, have your sponsor escort you to the UH Management Office. Fill out the entire packet and return it to our org box along with your separation/retirement orders and your final out date with MPF to schedule your separation briefing with us. (Room arrangements may vary depending on location) Unaccompanied Airmen in the rank of E-4 with greater than 3 years of service and above will move into housing in the local community. You will also be accountable for your room and the furnishings provided. Appointments can be scheduled as needed. At Luke AFB we strive to create an inclusive environment that cultivates the development and training of Airmen. This is to promote camaraderie among squadron members. The sponsor or gaining unit must then contact the UH Management Office to notify them of your impending arrival date and work to secure you a dormitory room.Unit IntegrityIn most cases, you will be assigned a room in an area of the dormitory set aside for the personnel who work in your unit. Luke AFB Directory - Phone Numbers & Directions DSNFAX phone number for Luke AFB Military and Family Readiness Center View the DOD DSN FAX number. Contact the UH Management Office to inquire about availability. Space Availability (SA): Due to limited availability at the Fighter Country Inn, please contact the front desk @ 623-935-2641 for reservations. Such links are provided consistent with the stated purpose of this website. Residents should augment the insurance provided by the Landlord to ensure that adequate coverage is provided for all personal property. This Luke AFB directory features the critical info youll need to navigate through the many facilities and recreational opportunities available on base. The primary mission on base is pilot and maintenance training for the F-16 Fighting Falcon and the new F-35 Lightning II. Tel: (623) 249-6789 Paying Rent for Privatized Housing Resident ResponsibilitiesYou will be expected to keep your room and any shared living space clean and tidy. The left side of the lodging claim is for your losing base claims, and the right side is for Luke AFB claims. Contact the MHO as soon as you know you are moving. Located in the 20th Mission Support Building, Building 1118, we can assist active duty members, their dependents, Guard/Reserve members, retirees, and DOD civillians with a variety of services related to your stay at Shaw Air Force Base such as CAC issuance, passports, and more. The dormitory campus is centrally located on the main base within walking distance of the Dining Facility, Fitness Center, Post Office, Barber Shop, Base Exchange, Commissary, Bowling Center, Wood Hobby Shop, Chaplain, Base Pool and Library. They are held daily at the M&FRC and topics range from expectations at home and work, how to reintegrate with family and friends, communication, coping skills, and sources to help the process. Base Training A Readiness NCO is assigned to the Military and Family Readiness Center (M&FRC) to work with unit leadership and service agencies to care directly with troops for families during family separations. Installations are accessible through the HEAT tool across CONUS and most OCONUS installations. 896-3332 ADLs will provide you guidance and advice on UH life as well as mentor you on succeeding in the Air Force. Our specialty trained Military OneSource consultant can guide you on the process of adopting or fostering a child. Privatized housing is comparable to housing in the local community and provides a wide variety of amenities and support services. Amenities include Chaplains lounge "The Oasis" (bldg 542), 2 full size Basketball Courts, Soccer field, 3 Volleyball Courts, Gamers' Lounge and Theater room (12 person), security cameras, Dayrooms and Keyless entry to all rooms. 896-3941 Each Airman is provided a private sleeping room, furnishings, bed linens and supplies required for comfortable living. Cleaning supplies and equipment can be provided to you free of charge. Blockhouse building 1150, Suite 1171. You need to obtain legal liability and personal property insurance for your possessions and should choose the options and amounts that best fit your needs and lifestyle. Although moving is sometimes stressful, it can also be an exciting opportunity to live off base and experience a new location. Arizona Department of Education, Where can I find an application for housing? Please make sure you bring all receipts with you, and to speed up your time in the briefing, you can complete the below packet prior to the briefing. Common Access Card Update Email Address. If you obtain your room key outside of normal duty hours, it is still a mandatory requirement to report to the UH Management Office the next duty day for in-processing. If issues continue, appointments can be set up through your ODTA with CPTS to complete the voucher. Average monthly utility estimates range from $150 to $350. UH residents are expected to assist in the cleaning and upkeep of common areas and shared facilities of their "home." What should I do to start planning my move to an overseas location? GTC Information: To be placed on mission critical status or request a GTC limit increase, please contact your units Agency Program Coordinator (APC). The average monthly rental cost ranges from $770 to $1,100 for two and three bedrooms and four bedrooms $1,170 and up. With a valid ID, patrons may receive a Library card. Department of the Air Force E-Publishing > Publications + Forms - AF Hours: Mon/Tue/Thur/Fri 0830-1500(*see note at top of page regarding COVID-19 ops), Customer Service Portal: https://usaf.dps.mil/TEAMS/saffmCSP/portal/SitePages/Home.aspx. 33.540332, 102IW 108 WG 110 ATKW 113 WG 115FW 119 WG 128 ARW 131 BW 134ARW 150 SOW 165 AW 172 AW 179th AW 187 FW Barksdale Air Force Base Creech AFB Dover AFB Fort Benning Fort Hood Fort Jackson Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling Joint Region Marianas . The most senior Airmen are released first. Get to Know the Installation The APF Civilian Personnel Office is divided into two sections Staffing and Labor/Employee Management Relations (L/EMR) providing a full range of services which includes: advisory service to commanders/senior leadership, managers, supervisors, and employees on civilian personnel management, resources, staffing and recruitment, leave and absences, hours of work, awards, supervisory records, labor relations, conduct and performance, reasonable accommodation, and disseminates changes in policy. Main: An E-4 residing in UH reaching 3 years of service may be authorized to move out of UH and into local community housing. Sat and Sun - closed Members attend a joint MPF/CPTS In-processing briefing on Tuesdays or Fridays at 0745 in Building 1150 (Block House) room 1146. Your sponsor will be another military member assigned to your unit and will assist with your move. The CAA advises commanders and supervisors on issues impacting retention and counsels personnel about reenlistment opportunities and benefits. Utility bills vary widely depending on the size of the apartment or home and time of year. When you arrive at Luke AFB, you must visit the MHO to receive counseling and guidance before entering into any written lease or rental/sales contract for housing. 7383 N. Litchfield Rd, STE.3136 Glendale, AZ 85309 Luke AFB Education Center is available for counseling in any area of education. 623-935-2641 Where can I find an application for housing? Bibendum tincidunt a scelerisque consectetur ultrices elementum pulvinar non. Luke AFB Legal Assistance | Programs & Services | MilitaryINSTALLATIONS DSN Fax: Luke Air Force Base Privatized Family Housing, Luke Air Force Base Barber Shop and Beauty Salon (Exchange), Luke Air Force Base Child Development Center. Upon return from a deployment, please complete your voucher in DTS. Dormitory CouncilsThe Airmen Dormitory Council is the forum by which residents of an individual dormitory or group of dormitories address concerns about their living environment with a panel of their peers. If you're feeling disconnected, contact one of our service providers. 623-856-3941 Bring a copy of deployment orders to the A&FRC and you will be issued a certificate for an approved timeframe. Luke Air Force Base | Military Base Guide The appearance of hyperlinks does not constitute endorsement by the Department of Defense of non-U.S. Government sites or the information, products, or services contained therein. Contact the UH Management Office to inquire about availability. Mon - Fri 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. The MHO will also update you on any base specific policies regarding residing in privatized housing. Search. Sun and Mon - closed Five of these dorms have been renovated since 1997, two dormitories constructed in 1998 and one dorm-4 . Make an Appointment. During your orientation, the ADL or UH Management Office representative will inform you of all Air Force and base-specific policies. What should I do to start planning my move to an overseas location? See All FAQs, An official website of the United States government. Although the Department of Defense may or may not use these sites as additional distribution channels for Department of Defense information, it does not exercise editorial control over all of the information that you may find at these locations. The sponsor or gaining unit must then contact the UH Management Office to notify them of your impending arrival date and work to secure you a dormitory room. Utilities range from $195 to $320 monthly. Will not update your home of record or make any changes with MPF. If you arrive on a business day during normal duty hours, have your sponsor escort you to the UH Management Office. The John J. Rhodes Airman Leadership School prepares Senior Airmen to be professional, war-fighting Airmen who can supervise and lead Air Force work teams to support the employment of air, space and cyberspace power. After filling out the top half of the form, please attach your authorization and orders before submitting. Holidays - Regular Hours, Mon - Fri - 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. 7383 N Litchfield Road. Please call our customer service line at 623-856-7028 to schedule an appointment. In addition to your option to purchase and rent housing in the local community, you now may choose to live in privatized housing by signing a tenant lease agreement with Balfour Beatty Communities. Closed Holidays, AETC down days, Wing Training Days. Other Other services at the 56th Medical Group - Luke Air Force Base consist of Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP), Family Advocacy, Health and Wellness Center (HAWC), Outpatient Medical Records / Release of Information, Referral Management Center, and TRICARE Operations and Patient Administration (TOPA). DSNFAX phone number for Luke AFB Military and Family Readiness Center View the DOD DSN FAX number. DSN: 896-3941. The education office also offers basic skills education classes and tuition and financial aid assistance to active-duty military personnel and their families. The MHO will also update you on any base specific policies regarding residing in privatized housing. Balfour Beatty Communities An E-4 residing in UH reaching 3 years of service may be authorized to move out of UH and into local community housing. 3rd Thursday of every month closed for training. Beneficiary Counseling Assistance Coordinators. Due to COVID-19 the finance customer service lobby is closed until further notice. Civilian Personnel About Services Hours/Phone Location Downloads The APF Civilian Personnel Office is divided into two sections-- Staffing and Labor/Employee Management Relations (L/EMR)-- providing a full range of services which includes: advisory service to commanders/senior leadership, managers, supervisors, and employees on civilian personnel management, resources, staffing and recruitment . Beauty Shop: Alterations Phone. ID Cards & DEERS - The Official Website of 56th FSS - Luke AFB - United Applying for Privatized Housing MyPay Password resets: In order to protect our customers and their financial information, all MyPay password resets MUST be done in person. Please refer to the Housing in the Local Community section for information and assistance on securing housing.The dormitory campus is centrally located on the main base within walking distance of the Dining Facility, Fitness Center, Post Office, Barber Shop, Base Exchange, Commissary, Bowling Center, Wood Hobby Shop, Chaplain, Base Pool and Library. Military Tuition Assistance Community features such as a Community Center, swimming pool, miniature golf and playgrounds are just some of the amenities you will find at Balfour Beatty Communities. Enlisted Promotion Testing (WAPS) 312-896-2068. . For other than authorized activities such as military exchanges and Services/Morale, Welfare and Recreation (MWR) sites, the Unites States Air Force does not exercise any editorial control over the information you may find at these locations. In addition to your option to purchase and rent housing in the local community, you now may choose to live in privatized housing by signing a tenant lease agreement with Balfour Beatty Communities. You pay your monthly rent by authorizing an allotment of your BAH that is paid directly to the Property Manager. At Luke AFB, AZ, military family housing is privatized. Deployment can be a challenging phase of the military lifecycle, but its important to know that you dont have to go through it alone. Please attach any and all supporting documentation before submitting. Temporary Lodging Expense TLE Cert Mon - Fri 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. The Financial Services Office provides pay and travel related customer service support to military and civilian employees at Travis AFB. Ask your ADL or UH Management Office representative about how you can get involved.TerminationIt is mandatory for unaccompanied Airmen in the ranks of E-1 to E-3 and E-4 with less than 3 years of service to reside in UH. Extend Academy Student Certificate. Personal Property Insurance If you haven't been contacted by your spouse's unit at LAFB, contact the first sergeant and ask for a point of contact or call the LM&FRC if you need assistance. The military provides a variety of resources and support programs ranging from educational briefings to morale calls for your loved ones, children and service members to ease the stress of deployment. The most senior Airmen are released first. The chapel and M&FRC host a social activity once a month to promote interaction and fun for families of deployed service members. Website: Monroe has been stationed at Luke AFB, Kunsan Air Base, Shaw AFB, Sheppard AFB, and Holloman AFB. www.56fss.com/fighter-country-inn, Address The Air Force Aid Society recognizes Air Force families are subject to unique stressors due to the nature of military life, deployments, remote tours of duty, and extended work hours. COMM phone number for Luke AFB Military and Family Readiness Center, FAX phone number for Luke AFB Military and Family Readiness Center, DSN phone number for Luke AFB Military and Family Readiness Center, DSNFAX phone number for Luke AFB Military and Family Readiness Center, Email: https://apps.militaryonesource.mil/MOS/f?p=AMS:5:0::::P5_APP_NAME,P5_MSG_TYPE,P5_EID:MilitaryINSTALLATIONS,Installation Address,110062, Map: http://maps.google.com/maps?q=+56+FSS+%2F+FSH,+7282+N+137th+Ave,+Bldg+1113,+Luke+AFB+AZ+85309, Emergency Contacts for Disasters & Evacuations. . Main: There are 14 cities located around Luke AFB within the 30 minutes commute e.g. Similar to living in the local community, you will sign a tenant lease agreement, typically for a one-year term. See your ADL or UH Management Office representative if you have any questions about your resident responsibilities. Sat 9:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Our Career Assistance Advisor directs professional development programs to include the First Term Airmen Course. Holidays - closed, Barber Shop: For increases beyond $15K, please have your unit's APC complete the GTC Credit Limit Increase form and forward it to the base APC for further processing. Resources are given out and family information is obtained. SERVICES PROVIDED DD Form 1351-2 TLE. Contact the MHO as soon as you know you are moving to Luke AFB. The MHO also monitors housing units offered for rent to the military community. Staffs vary but can be comprised of non-commissioned officers (NCO), Senior NCOs and some bases have civilian employees. If you are missing any receipts from your voucher (GTC statements do not count as valid receipts), please complete the below form and submit it along with your voucher. When there is an excess of dormitory rooms, personnel in the ranks of E-4 with greater than 3 years of service and above may be eligible to reside in UH on a space available basis. See your ADL or UH Management Office representative if you have any questions about your resident responsibilities.Inspection ProgramThe Installation Commander establishes a base-wide UH inspection program focused on health and safety. Prior to travel, arrange to meet your sponsor or someone from your unit upon arrival at the gaining installation. For more information about your utilities, please contact the Property Management Office. For families, we understand that where your children attend school plays a large factor in the decision of where to live. Units. For Reservations with children and Pet Friendly Rooms Please contact the Lodging office directly for accurate reservations. As soon as you are notified of your assignment, contact your gaining unit and request to be assigned a sponsor. Your lease includes a military clause and a lease termination clause. Bibendum tincidunt a scelerisque consectetur ultrices elementum pulvinar non. Neque elit, rutrum in laoreet nec eget scelerisque volutpat sit. The primary mission on base is pilot and maintenance training for the F-16 Fighting Falcon and the new F-35 Lightning II. The Tenant Lease Agreement spells out all relevant rent payment terms and conditions. The purpose of this program is to offer 16 hours of free child care per month to alleviate the stressors of parenting while your loved one is away. Utility bills vary widely depending on the size of the apartment or home and time of year. As an Air Force Materiel Command base, Eglin is home to the 96th Test Wing which serves as the test center for USAF armament, navigation and guidance systems. Luke AFB Directory 14185 West Falcon St, Luke AFB, AZ 85309 623-856-6550 Luke AFB Official Website Luke AFB is located in Glendale, Arizona approximately 15 miles west of Phoenix. Nearby sites of interest include the University of Phoenix Stadium of the NFL's Arizona Cardinals, historic ranches and Downtown Glendale, known as Arizona's Antique Capital. Space Available RoomsWhen there is an excess of dormitory rooms, personnel in the ranks of E-4 with greater than 3 years of service and above may be eligible to reside in UH on a space available basis. If you arrive on the weekend or after normal duty hours, have your sponsor make arrangements to pick up your room key from the UH Management Office or acquire a hospitality room for you until you can meet with an ADL or Dorm Manager. Balfour Beatty Communities owns the family housing and is responsible for maintaining, repairing, constructing and managing the community. You will also be accountable for your room and the furnishings provided. 7383 N. Litchfield Rd, Ste 1138 Luke AFB, AZ 85309-1512 MyPay Password resets: In order to protect our customers and their financial information, all MyPay password resets MUST be done in person. This partnership provides employment and training information to armed forces members within 12 months of separation or 24 months of retirement. Creech welcomes new SAPR SARC - Creech Air Force Base (Room arrangements may vary depending on location). Holidays - Closed, Mon - Fri 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Balfour Beatty Communities will provide personal property and liability insurance for every home upon application of the resident. During holidays or other special times, events and activities are provided just for spouses and families. At this location, homes in the community are not metered and your rent will include these utility costs, up to your full BAH amount. Military Testing Center The Transition Assistance Program (TAP) was established to meet the needs of separating service members during their period of transition into civilian life by offering job search assistance and related services. 7383 North Litchfield Road. For additional information or questions please contact the M&FRC at 623-856-6550. If you simply need to change your banking information, please do so on MyPay. You are about to leave the Military INSTALLATIONS site. Privatized housing is comparable to housing in the local community and provides a wide variety of amenities and support services. You will be expected to keep your room and any shared living space clean and tidy. If you arrive on the weekend or after normal duty hours, have your sponsor make arrangements to pick up your room key from the UH Management Office or acquire a hospitality room for you until you can meet with an ADL or Dorm Manager. Each Airman is provided a private sleeping room, furnishings, bed linens and supplies required for comfortable living. Civilian Personnel - The Official Website of 56th FSS - Luke AFB Litchfield Park, Surprise, Buckeye, Avondale, Goodyear, Tolleson, Sun City West, Peoria, Sun City, Glendale, Phoenix, El Mirage, Youngtown and Waddell. Only payable within 3 days of moving into a new home. Luke AFB | Employment Resources & Info | MilitaryINSTALLATIONS Contacts at Luke Air Force Base Airmen and Family Readiness Center (623) 856-6550 Arts and Crafts Center (623) 856-6566 Auto Hobby Center (623) 856-6107 Balfour (Family Housing) (623) 388-3515 Barber Shop (623) 249-6789 Chaplain (623) 856-6211 Community Chapel (623) 856-6211 Child Development Center (623) 856-6339 Community Center (623) 935-5742 The MHO partners with landlords, realtors and property managers to make sure you receive the most current information about the local housing market. Litchfield Park, Surprise, Buckeye, Avondale, Goodyear, Tolleson, Sun City West, Peoria, Sun City, Glendale, Phoenix, El Mirage, Youngtown and Waddell. As a resident of privatized housing, contact the Property Management Office to obtain more specific information on the services available at your location. Housing in the Local Community Unaccompanied Airmen in the rank of E-4 with greater than 3 years of service and above will move into housing in the local community. Sat 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Privatized Housing It is mandatory for unaccompanied Airmen in the ranks of E-1 to E-3 and E-4 with less than 3 years of service to reside in UH. Numbered Air Forces. Luke AFB Education Center - Home - Facebook . ID Card Office Locator & Appointments Find a RAPIDS ID Card Office. How do I begin out-processing from housing? For families, we understand that where your children attend school plays a large factor in the decision of where to live. Luke Air Force Base Armed Forces Bank, N.A. PDF SEPARATION RETIREMENT CHECKLIST - Luke Air Force Base Please call our customer service line at 623-856-7028 to schedule an appointment. COMM phone number for Luke AFB Installation Address, FAX phone number for Luke AFB Installation Address, DSN phone number for Luke AFB Installation Address, DSNFAX phone number for Luke AFB Installation Address, Email: https://apps.militaryonesource.mil/MOS/f?p=AMS:5:0::::P5_APP_NAME,P5_MSG_TYPE,P5_EID:MilitaryINSTALLATIONS,Installation Address,85568, Map: http://maps.google.com/maps?q=+14185+West+Falcon+Street,+Luke+AFB+AZ+85309, 24-7 phone number for Luke AFB Adoption Consultation, DSN phone number for Luke AFB Adoption Consultation, Website: livechat.militaryonesourceconnect.org/chat/, COMM phone number for Luke AFB Education Services Flight, FAX phone number for Luke AFB Education Services Flight, DSN phone number for Luke AFB Education Services Flight, DSNFAX phone number for Luke AFB Education Services Flight, Email: https://apps.militaryonesource.mil/MOS/f?p=AMS:5:0::::P5_APP_NAME,P5_MSG_TYPE,P5_EID:MilitaryINSTALLATIONS,Installation Address,110059, Map: http://maps.google.com/maps?q=+7383+North+Litchfield+Road,+Bldg%2E+1150,+Suite+3136,+Luke+AFB+AZ+85309-1555, COMM phone number for Luke AFB Base Auto Shop, DSN phone number for Luke AFB Base Auto Shop, Map: http://maps.google.com/maps?q=+7499+N+140th+Dr,+Bldg%2E+235,+Glendale+AZ+85307, COMM phone number for Luke AFB Consolidated Dormitory Management Office, DSN phone number for Luke AFB Consolidated Dormitory Management Office, DSNFAX phone number for Luke AFB Consolidated Dormitory Management Office, Website: www.luke.af.mil/library/factsheets/factsheet.asp?id=5007, Map: http://maps.google.com/maps?q=+14055+West+Mustang+Street,+Bldg+635,+Luke+AFB+AZ+85309, COMM phone number for Luke AFB Barber and Beauty Shop (BX), Map: http://maps.google.com/maps?q=+7071+North+138th+Avenue,+Bldg+1540,+Glendale+AZ+85309-2006, COMM phone number for Luke AFB Tricare/United Healthcare, DSN phone number for Luke AFB Tricare/United Healthcare, Map: http://maps.google.com/maps?q=+7219+North+Litchfield+Road,+Bldg+1130,+Luke+AFB+AZ+85309, COMM phone number for Luke AFB Casualty Assistance Office, DSN phone number for Luke AFB Casualty Assistance Office, Email: https://apps.militaryonesource.mil/MOS/f?p=AMS:5:0::::P5_APP_NAME,P5_MSG_TYPE,P5_EID:MilitaryINSTALLATIONS,Installation Address,1000010228, Map: http://maps.google.com/maps?q=+7282+North+137th+Ave,+Bldg%2E+1113,+Luke+AFB+AZ+, COMM phone number for Luke AFB Luke Community Chapel, FAX phone number for Luke AFB Luke Community Chapel, DSN phone number for Luke AFB Luke Community Chapel, DSNFAX phone number for Luke AFB Luke Community Chapel, Email: https://apps.militaryonesource.mil/MOS/f?p=AMS:5:0::::P5_APP_NAME,P5_MSG_TYPE,P5_EID:MilitaryINSTALLATIONS,Installation Address,1000000414, Website: www.luke.af.mil/library/factsheets/factsheet.asp?id=5005, Map: http://maps.google.com/maps?q=+13968+West+Shooting+Star+Street,+Bldg+799,+Luke+AFB+AZ+85309-1932, Emergency Contacts for Disasters & Evacuations.
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